Natural Health

We have collected together here a range of products and services which we find extremely useful for taking the natural route in looking after your well-being. Many products are used by ourselves and/or family and friends with great results.

Mainstream health care places much emphasis on pharmaceutical products while often disregarding the nutrition and quality of foods we consume. It is our very firm belief, and quite obvious to us, that as our food and nutrients are actually used to repair and renew the cells in our bodies, we do actually become what we eat (so let's not be fake, fast and cheap!!). 

The best way to obtain all the nutrients we need is from food, as this is the most bio-available form. However due to environmental issues, GM foods, pesticides and herbicides used and over-farming, we often find it difficult to obtain good quality nutrients from foods, and if we do they can be depleted by things such as stress, artificial ingredients consumed, and environmental factors. So sometimes it is necessary to turn to supplements to enhance our diet with what we need. The Hair Mineral Test is an ideal way to find out whether there are any toxicities or deficiencies effecting your health. 

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