The mineral hair analysis service offers a great way of checking your body’s mineral levels and toxins from a simple analysis of a hair sample. Unlike blood testing, hair tests offer an overall picture of your health, taking an average over the last couple of months (the length of time to grow the length of hair sample) and are therefore not influenced by daily fluctuations as blood is. It is a clinically proven laboratory test, using a sample of hair sent to the Mineral Check laboratory.
Hair Analysis can help show up any deficiencies or toxicities before they cause problems. The results provide information that means a simple tweak in your diet or supplement regime can make a big difference to your overall health. Additionally, a hair analysis test will also show whether you have accumulated any toxic metals.
Measuring the mineral content of your hair gives you a wealth of information, and from mineral patterns can determine our metabolic status, adrenal and thyroid function among other tendencies. This gives you a unique perspective on your health that would otherwise be hidden, making this highly revealing test incredible value for money when you consider the amount sometimes spent on supplements in the long term that may not even be needed, or even doing some harm. It takes the guess-work away and helps you to focus on what is really needed.
The results come in the form of several graphs and includes laboratory reports by a doctor and a nutritional therapist, which detail and explains the findings. Unlike other agents who sell similar hair mineral tests and simply pass on the lab reports as they come, our mineral tests also includes a report by our Nutritional Therapist, with the option of a SUMMARY REPORT ONLY, a FULL REPORT or the addition of a GNM ANALYSIS OF SYMPTOMS. These options make the test accessible to most budgets. Details of each option are detailed below. The reports and advice are not aimed at being product based, however any specific products suggested will be based upon thorough research and client experience.
Our Nutritional Therapist's Report gives additional information based upon her research, along with further explanations of the lab results if needed. It is therefore not complete without the lab report, but is supportive to it. It contains her own summary and comments on various aspects of the report. The
German New Medicine (GNM)
The Biological Laws of Nature (also known as German New Medicine, GNM or GHK) teach that health, symptoms and disease are misunderstood in conventional and alternative medicine. As symptoms and disease most often originate from a traumatic shock, our Nutritional Therapist now works with less focus on diet and nutrition, placing more focus on this actual cause of symptoms that are being experienced.
However, that is not to say that nutritional imbalances and this hair mineral test is not relevant at all. Extreme imbalances can cause symptoms without a traumatic shock, and if there is some lesser nutritional imbalances, addressing these can assist the healing of the symptoms by reducing the overall stress burden on the body. Other nutritional therapists will place an emphasis on deaing with every imbalance with a complex, and often costly, supplement program along with restrictive dietary changes. Unlike most other therapists, the Biological Laws are the foundation of Danielle's approach, and this means that the supplement program she recommends will be focused upon only what she deems is absolutely required. This approach allows the body’s own healing process to work by greatly reducing any unnecessary burdens and processing on the body.
Where the GNM analysis has been opted for, your symptoms will be explained from this perspective to help you identify the cause and assist in finding a resolution to the healing. Further information on GNM can be found on Danielle's website:
Should you wish to purchase any recommended products, you will receive a coupon code for 10% off up to 3 orders at Shop Holistic.
The BASIC REPORT includes: further explanation of Lab Results where required, Simplified Summary, Recommended Supplements and Detox based upon the graphs and advice for retesting
The FULL REPORT includes: All of the above, PLUS dietary advice, Current Supplement and Medication Overview, Emotions and Lifestyle Advice and Remote Energetic Testing.
The GNM REPORT includes: All of the above PLUS additional Information on your current symptoms and conditions based upon German New Medicine.
More technically-worded doctor and nutritional therapist reports from the laboratory are also sent, which include some dietary advice. These are ideal if you are working with a medical professional. The majority of clients have told our therapist that they are too technically worded and can be confusing by themselves, so she aims for her reports to be clearer in explanations, and is happy to offer on-going support by email should you have any questions.
REMOTE TESTING (Full & GNM Report options)Our Nutritional therapist will use kinesiology methods or dowsing on a strand of your hair to remotely test for more personalised information including specific dosages, potential sensitivities/intolerances and particular supplements. This enables your report to be further personalised by tuning in to your body's needs and intuitively and energetically assess correct dosages of any supplements recommended. She will also be able to assess your body's energetic needs and assess whether any complimentary herbs, supplements or therapies may be needed, and assess if other issues are present such as parasites, sensitivities or other disturbances. If you do not want the energetic testing (due to personal or religious beliefs) then there is an option on the information form you are sent to make this known to us.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test with Lab Reports and Summary Report by post - only £100.00!
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test with Lab Reports and Full Report by post - only £150!
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test with Lab Reports, Full Report and GNM Report by post - only £180!
Upon purchase you will be sent instructions, an envelope with a partially pre-filled form, a small weighing scales for your sample, a form with additional information required by our Nutritional Therapist, a small grip-seal for a single hair strand (for use with remote testing of requested the full report) and a stamped addressed envelope* to send your test back to us. The results are returned to us by post and we will then forward them to you by post once our nutritional therapist has compiled and written her report.
*Please note the stamped addressed envelope will be sent with a First Class stamp attached. This service is available to UK BASED CUSTOMERS only.
The entire process will take 2-3 weeks, post dependent.
Tags: hair mineral test, german new medicine,
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