The Raw Fad - Health or Not?

I think we have come almost full circle regarding nutrition. I think our grandparents ate the most healthy diet – everything was organic then, traditional food combinations like thick butter on bread, tomatoes with egg, etc all make perfect sense, cooking with stable saturated fats like butter – and even lard!

We have been so confused by fads, extremists, fake science through propaganda by food corporations trying to pass their rubbish unhealthy products off as healthy, taking notice of supplement sales info and studies into certain aspects of nutrients without understanding the full antagonistic and synergisitic effects, etc. I think the more we listen to our bodies and eat what is right for us as individuals and ignore all this ‘science’, the better we will all be for it!

Of course I am not putting down the way nutrition can be used therapeutically by holistic programmes such as the Gerson Therapy, but this would be only for therapeutic use and not long term general use!!

Below is a link to an excellent article on raw foods – it is 100% what I try to get across to people – eating with balance and not in extreme.

Anything in extreme can be harmful.

I have been very dubious about the raw fad as many vegetables and foods are actually harmful if eaten raw especially cabbage, spinach, broccoli, kale, etc, due to oxalic acid and others for many other reasons, and I am quite disturbed to hear of some of the advice being pumped out by ther nutritional therapists who condone eating these foods raw.

I will write an article myself on this in the future, however I don’t think I can say it as well as Dr L Wilson! You can read his article HERE